My First Four Months of 2019

I read ridiculously fast, this isn’t a brag, if anything, I really dislike how fast I read. I would much rather read at a slower speed, take it all in more slowly, but alas, I’m cursed. I’ve tried actively slowing down my reading, but I end up focusing more on my pace than I do on the actually reading I’m doing.

I set my Goodreads reading challenge for this year at 50 books, and at four months into the year, I’m already at 30 books. Though I’ve been people who have read upwards of 60 books, I’m pretty proud of myself for getting through this many. I have a lot of books to catch up on, ones that others rave about that I hadn’t even heard of until I started bookstagram!

I’ve read several series already this year, including the Harry Potter books, most of Cassandra Clare’s Shadowhunters universe shoes, NEVERNIGHT, The Grisha Trilogy and The Folk of the Air series! So most of my reads so far this year have amounted from series. These make up 22 of my already read books!

The other 8 books are either stand alones or the first book in a series that I haven’t read the rest of get, or haven’t been released yet! I barely ever read just stand alones, I get so upset at the end of the book when I realize I wont get to experience the characters again, so I used to try and steer clear of them. 2019 seems to be my year of change, because I’ve read more stand alones than ever before. An Enchantment of Ravens showed me that I could read a book without it being a series and actually be fulfilled by it, so after that I read more, including The Coldest Girl in ColdTown and The Secret Life of Bees.

So the reading side of 2019 is going swimmingly, I don’t think I could be reading anymore than I already am! I’m thinking I may bump my reading challenge up to 75, depending on how quickly I get to my 50 goal!

I’ll keep you all posted!

2 thoughts on “My First Four Months of 2019”

  1. Ah I read fast but I’ve been struggling with my reading slump since last aug so erm my reading is hit or miss at the moment. Standalones are great, they can often make for a nice break after finishing a series but sometimes I’ve wished they were a series or duology just because the characters were great hehe.


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