My Favourite Books

This collection changes so often, it might as well be the weather. There are always a few constants, I believe they’ll always be there, my “staple” books I suppose I could call them. It’s not a hugely long list, six in total, three of those being the “Staple” ones.

Number Six! Is currently “A Curse so Dark and Lonely” by Brigid Kemmerer! This book blew me away, which is pretty hard to do to me with Beauty and the Beast retellings! I went into it expecting it to another run of the mill retelling, but holy cow, I won’t spoil it for you, but my friends the hype is definitely well earned, and well deserved. If you haven’t gone and bought this novel yet (or the E-book, like i did) then what on earth are you waiting for?! It was a solid 4.5/5 read!

Number Five! Is currently “Six of Crows” by Leigh Bardugo! This book is nothing like the stuff I normally read, while it was fantasy based, I found the culture of the book and the mission they were on far more interesting than the magical elements, though they were in themselves amazing, and I’m loving reading more about them in The Grisha Trilogy. Again, if you haven’t read this, why not? The characters stole my heart, the diversity and representation are outstanding, and the writing, oh Leigh Bardugo is the Grand Master of words! I gave it a 4/5 rating!

Number Four! Is currently another Leigh Bardugo novel – “Shadow and Bone”. I devoured this book in one single day, I got grumpy whenever I had to part from it for more than thirty minutes! It kept me on my toes, there was always something else coming to the surface of the story, it was so fast paced I felt as if I was there. I wish I had read this trilogy before Six of Crows, because it gives a more in depth view of the Grisha and Ravka. These books seem to focus more on the magical side of the universe, not the gangs and epic heist missions! 5/5 Rating, absolutely obsessed.

Number Three! How basic will this sound I wonder, but, “Twilight” or just the “Twilight Saga” in general, by Stephenie Meyer, is one of my “Staples”. In my Introducing Me blog post I spoke about how the Twilight Saga were the first novels I truly fell in love with, I was entranced and captivated by the romance, fantasy and teen angst, things that a 9-10 year old could only dream about. Sure, going back and reading them now is never as fascinating and exciting as it was the first few times, but then again I have read the series about 7 times over, and have reread Eclipse countless times! Twilight along with a few other huge YA titles truly redefined and carved the YA genre as we know it today, and I think people refuse to see that simply because they were loved by teenage girls, sadly. I will always, no matter what, give this book and series a 5/5, apart from New Moon, that gets a 4/5.

Number Two! Another “Staple” book/series is, “NEVERNIGHT” by Jay Kristoff! I only read these books a short while ago for the first time, I read Nevernight over night, it was a bit of a blur, at first is was only 9P.M and then suddenly the sun was rising, and I was uncontrollably tired. A friend of mine had been bringing it up regularly, to the point where of sheer curiosity and the yearn to be involved in the conversation surrounding the series, I caved and read them. Thank god I did. These books now mean so much to me, the amount of traits and life events in the books I can relate to is incredible, it feels as if these books were written for me. I wish I had stumbled across them sooner, learnt the lessons within them sooner, but the way I found them feels right, I now have made such a dear friend through the pages of Nevernight and Godsgrave, that I don’t think I would have if I had stumbled across them at the bookstore. Completely a 5/5 for “NEVERNIGHT” and “GODSGRAVE”. Also, who’s ready for “DARKDAWN?” Cause I sure as hell am not.

Number One! Now, this series of books is the most dear to my heart, “Throne of Glass” by Sarah J. Maas. I found this series way back in 2013, and have been following closely ever since, even now after the final book “Kingdom of Ash” has been released. I fell upon these books in such a dark time in my life, the story that Sarah had written resonated so deeply with me that I carried that book with me wherever I went for a whole year, it was my strength, my good luck charm, the characters within the pages were my friends. I grew and changed with the characters each year, I missed them when I wasn’t reading their stories, living in their worlds. I remember when I finished “Kingdom of Ash” for the first time vividly, I burst into tears the second I closed the book, full on, ugly Kim Kardashian sobbing. I don’t want to say too much, because I plan on dedicating a blog post just to the experience of reading and finishing the TOG series. each book, all 8 of them, all get a 5/5 from me.

I’d love to hear your top 6, or your top 3, or your top 100 if you’re willinging to list all of them! I hope this gave you some insight on the type of books I like, and also how much I love books in general, how non fictional they are in my heart.

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